Taping(or strapping) and bracing are used to restrict undesired, potentially harmful motion and allow desired motion when injured. Our therapists are working with sport clubs/institution, having enough knowledge in different taping techniques like K Tape, Dynamic tape, rigid tape and so on.
It is used to support and protect a joint after a ligament tear or sprain, when the joint is slightly unstable. It is also used to stabilize or immobilize an area of the body to reduce or avoid pain. It can also be used to guide a part of the body into a correct position if it has adopted an incorrect position due to muscle imbalance or injury.
Braces are often used to protect a joint or a bone while it is healing after an injury such as a fracture or a ligament or tendon tear. They are also used commonly after surgery to protect the operated area and allow the repair to heal properly.
At latitude, Physio experts will apply Taping/Bracing techniques to stabilize the joints and muscles while the patient undergoes treatment.